I give because I have been given so much! I feel that I receive just as much as I give – in experience, in kindness, in worldview. If I have the ability, I will always try to share.

Where are you from?

I grew up in Granite Bay, CA. I also consider Guatemala and Provo my two adopted homes!

What is your background, training, school, profession, etc?

I am currently a student at BYU, studying Physiology and Developmental Biology, minoring in Gerontology. I am planning on applying to medical school this summer, wish me luck!

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

My wife, Shayla, and I love to exercise. I was a swimmer in high school, and I have added running and biking into the mix. We ran a marathon together a year ago and I’ll be competing in my first bike race this July.

Why do you believe Volunteering is important?

I believe volunteering is important because as long as there are people in need, there exists a space for someone to serve. If someone has the ability, skills, or knowledge necessary to help someone in need, they have the social responsibility to help! I also believe that volunteering has the potential (if done sincerely) to help the volunteer grow in their abilities and their capacity to love.

How long have you been volunteering at CHC?

I have been volunteering at CHC since July 2018.

Why did you choose to volunteer with CHC?

I searched high and low for an organization near BYU that would help me develop skills as a Translator and allow me to practice Spanish. My wife and I served as part of a medical mission in Honduras, where they provided specialty surgery care to the underserved population there. Inspired by this, I found that CHC has a similar mission. A perfect fit!

What do you enjoy most about volunteering?

I love interacting with people. It feels good to help someone worry about one less thing in their lives. Medical terminology and practice can be intimidating in your native language not to mention a foreign one! Serving for understanding is my goal.

What would you say to others in the community considering volunteering?

Go for it! You will never, ever regret giving of yourself. Volunteering helps the world go round, be a part of it!